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A History Of Conflict

Cyprus: A Divided Island

A History of Conflict

Cyprus has been a divided island since 1974, when Turkey invaded the northern part of the island in response to a coup attempt by Greek Cypriots. The conflict between the two sides of the island has been ongoing ever since, with no resolution in sight.

The Green Line

The Green Line is the dividing line between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot sides of the island. It was established in 1964 by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), and it has been patrolled by UNFICYP ever since. The Green Line is a symbol of the division of Cyprus, and it has prevented the movement of people and goods between the two sides of the island for decades.

The Buffer Zone

The Buffer Zone is a narrow strip of land that runs along the Green Line. It is controlled by UNFICYP, and it is intended to prevent conflict between the two sides of the island. The Buffer Zone is a militarised zone, and it is closed to the public.

The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

UNFICYP is a peacekeeping force that was established by the United Nations in 1964. Its mission is to prevent conflict between the two sides of Cyprus. UNFICYP has been patrolling the Green Line and the Buffer Zone since 1964, and it has helped to maintain a ceasefire between the two sides of the island.

The Future of Cyprus

The future of Cyprus is uncertain. The two sides of the island remain divided, and there is no consensus on how to resolve the conflict. The United Nations has been trying to facilitate a solution to the conflict for decades, but no agreement has been reached. The future of Cyprus will depend on the willingness of the two sides to compromise and find a way to live together in peace.


The division of Cyprus is a tragedy. It is a tragedy for the people of Cyprus, who have been divided for decades. It is a tragedy for the region, which has been destabilised by the conflict. And it is a tragedy for the world, which needs to find a way to resolve this conflict and bring peace to Cyprus.
